When you own your own business, you know how much time and investment you have put into building that company into a success. That’s all the more reason you want to have business insurance to protect you from an array of events that could harm your business. With the business insurance that Tucker Insurance Agency offers, you can protect your company.
Property insurance is an essential investment in ensuring the strength of your business by protecting against loss or damage to your business's physical assets. Whether you own your building, lease your workspace, or work at home, property insurance has you covered. Imagine a fire hitting your business, no one can work in the building, and all the office equipment is destroyed. Property insurance will cover your equipment and pay to get your business back in working order.
Business liability insurance protects your business when it’s sued for negligence. As a business owner, many variables can come with owning a business. You are liable for unintentional accidents and injuries in which you or your employees may be involved. Business liability insurance helps you with legal defense costs and legal damages. It covers medical expenses, attorney fees, and damages when you are legally responsible, such as:
Workers' compensation insurance is vital to protect your business and, in most states, is mandatory. It covers injuries or illnesses when they occur due to duties performed on or while at work. Some of the claims covered include injuries caused by lifting heavy equipment, slipping on a wet surface, or because of fires or explosions. Protect your business from a lawsuit and your employees from loss of income.
Your personal car insurance policy does not cover vehicles used by your business. Do you provide cars, vans, semi trucks, or dump trucks for your employees to get around or to move equipment and/or products? If so, you need commercial auto insurance to protect against traffic accidents, vandalism, and if an uninsured driver hits your vehicle.
Business interruption insurance keeps your business from losses to the cash flow and profits of a company because of an interruption. If you cannot operate your business, interruption insurance will help you pay expenses, such as a mortgage, advertising, taxes and salaries, and possibly even relocation costs to a temporary site.
Business crime insurance covers all types of crime that could affect your business: crooked employees, robbers, computer hackers, and forgers. Today, there are more opportunities for wrongdoing than ever. Whether you have just started a company or your business is established and growing, ensure all the hard work you put into your business is covered. Don’t let criminal behavior affect your bottom line.
An umbrella insurance policy supplements your existing general, auto, and employer liability limits. Sometimes accidents happen that are not covered by your current business insurance, but with commercial umbrella insurance, you have coverage. If a considerable accident occurs and the damages exceed the limits, you will be covered instead of paying out of pocket.
To find out more about any of these policies for your business, contact our team today at
Address: 48225 Michigan Ave., Canton, MI 48188
Phone: 734-697-5544
Other: 877-818-5777
Fax: 734-697-5464
Email: karli@tuckerins.com